English version

One size is not enough.
Aš wants a special economic zone with innovative practices

Aš as a town and Ašsko as an administrative area (ORP) is the westernmost outpost of the Czech Republic, largely surrounded by German territory. It is the most remote location of one of the most structurally affected regions of the Czech Republic.

Aš currently has less than 13,000 inhabitants and is not a bad place to live, but the good future and development of the town are threatened. Young people are leaving with no chance of returning later, and many locals are moving to Germany for work - giving the town little chance of a stable future, let alone development.

From the perspective of regional development, however, Ašsko can be a suitable laboratory for testing new solutions to the declared efforts to improve the quality of life in structurally threatened (or peripheral) areas.

That is why we propose Lex Aš - a development programme for the Aš Regional Development Area, valid for a limited period of ten years and probably an initial legal regulation that will allow testing new or adapted methods of development in this area.

The basic territorial unit affected by the measures is the Aš ORP, which will be conceived as a SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE. Innovative practices will be tested on its territory through thematic SANDBOXES under the supervision of responsible regulators.


Aš is a municipality with extended competence (ORP). The entire ORP Aš will be conceived as a SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE. Innovative practices will be tested on its territory through thematic sandboxes under the supervision of responsible regulators, mostly ministries.

Support for development activities in Aš will be directed to two target groups. The first are companies and entrepreneurs who decide to do business in Aš. The second group is employees of companies. In the short term, it is possible to start production activities in Aš that will make use of the skills of local residents, even those with lower qualifications. Their decision to work in Aš instead of going to work outside the region is conditional on the benefits being comparable to those offered outside Aš.

This should be served by a special economic zone, which will accommodate production supported by an investment incentive on a larger scale than is currently applied. In addition, the special economic zone will serve the rapid development of small and medium-sized companies with high added value, especially start-ups.

Four sandboxes* are designed to address the thematic areas. These have been widely used in recent years to test innovative solutions with the participation of public administrations or regulators. They are most common in financial services and IT, but are also well suited to designing new solutions in any area, including regional development.

*Regulatory sandbox is a way to test new solutions that are not allowed by existing legislation. The ministry responsible for the issue sets the conditions under which a non-traditional solution (sandbox - "playing" in the sandbox) can be tried out for a limited period of time and under the supervision of the ministry (regulator). If it proves to be successful, it can be disseminated further; if a change in legislation is needed, it will be introduced. The results of the sandbox are proof that a change in legislation is needed.

Draft measures



Create opportunities in the special economic zone with employment parameters comparable to those in Germany

Providing employment for citizens - residents of Aš and Aš ORP without specialized education in several industrial or other enterprises supported by investment incentives and support from the state in benefits that correspond to the benefits in Germany. To attract German entrepreneurs to do business in Aš region.
Support start-ups and scale-ups with high added value A special programme for start-ups and growing SMEs in various industries with high added value production and highly skilled employees motivated to work and live in Aš.
Motivate workers leaving for work in Germany to return and for people from the inner parts of the Czech Republic and other countries to work and live in Aš region  The decision of the current inhabitants of Aš to quit pendlerism and to work in ORP Aš either in newly emerging companies or in existing companies involved in the program "Home".
Actively create special economic conditions for public services in the city Increase the quality of life in the city and its attractiveness to current and new residents.
Develop organic farming - small farms Create employment opportunities for less skilled workers by expanding small farms and greenhouses. At the same time, it is possible to apply social innovation methods and expand 'clean' agricultural production, which has been in great demand in recent years.


Sandbox - Education Area

Education is one of the key tools to change the employment opportunities and success of the inhabitants of Ašsko, as well as to increase the attractiveness of the region. Qualified active teachers play a crucial role. In order for them to want to stay in their jobs and for others to want to settle here, the main focus for changing the status quo must be on improving teaching conditions and making Aš region more attractive.

Regardless of the optimization of the education system or school infrastructure in the Czech Republic and the current performance parameters, it is important that local schools and kindergartens have enough qualified teachers and, above all, that quality education in Czech, English and German is provided. Decent housing and 1.5 times the guaranteed salary can motivate new teachers to move to Aš. Children with poor school results need to improve and places of education need to be sufficiently attractive. This includes, but is not limited to, upgrading school buildings, adequately equipped with technology workshops, rooms for creativity development, etc. It is essential to ensure quality primary and secondary education in Asha for all local children and students. For the needs of expanding social and health care, it is appropriate to consider the establishment of a higher vocational school for health care.



To obtain a highly qualified coordinator of education and social work in the Ašsko micro-region Changes in the quality of education require long-term social and educational work. The personality of the "main coordinator" is therefore essential and will be reflected in improved conditions throughout the whole educational system of Aš and in the results of pupils and students of all ages.

Strengthen local schools with qualified teachers and provide education in Czech, English and German

Improve pre-school preparation and care for children from the age of two.

Increased educational level of the city's population (pupils and students), reduction in the proportion of pupils dropping out of primary education.

Increased success rate of children in completing full secondary education, both children from socially disadvantaged families and highly gifted children.

Improving social conditions in the city.

Increase the proportion of students entering into post-secondary education, and increase the success rate of students in entering and graduating from college.

Providing prospects for young families who find a good school for their children where they live.

Preserve the multi-year grammar school in Aš and strengthen its importance in the educational system A prerequisite for success is the "reputation" of the local grammar school as an exceptionally high-quality school. The consequence is an increase in the number of students, including German students from the nearby border area, and their success in advancing to universities.
Develop cooperation between the local grammar school and German secondary and higher education institutions in the region.
Develop secondary and post-secondary education

Ašsko will become a centre of education, where education is developed in active cooperation with employers in the region and with the nearest universities.

Its results will be used both by local employers (silver economy**, school education system in Aš and Cheb, social services on the Czech and German side) and employers in the wider area, regardless of national borders.

By cooperating with the schools in Aš region, the universities will secure quality university students and on the other hand help the quality of the local schools.

Creation of special classes for talented pupils in primary schools

Focusing on strengthening the talents and strengths of all children from all social groups that occur in preschool and primary education.

Raising educational standards by moving away from the current practice of accommodating the weakest.

** Silver economy focuses on the needs of the elderly and ageing people and on using their purchasing power. It includes everything the older generation needs for a good life and is financially able to buy.

Sandbox - Social and Societal Area

For changes in the social sphere, i.e. in the community, in the local society, it is necessary to focus on several areas, mainly with regard to the age composition of the population, the large national groups, with Roma and Vietnamese being particularly important, and security in the city. Particularly important is work in socially excluded communities aimed at reducing the risk of risky behaviour (crime, drugs). The quality of social life will be enhanced by promoting citizens' identification with the city = Aš is our home. The quality of social care will be enhanced by the promotion of the 'silver economy', ensuring sufficient care and quality services for the elderly at home, a home for the elderly, including a home with special arrangements for receiving clients from the Czech Republic and Germany. Strengthening the activities of a local action group or several groups in the Aš region will also be an advantage.



Set up a system of cooperation with the Vietnamese community and involve them in the life of the city - by supporting cultural and social activities, "self-organization" of the community

Harnessing the potential of the emerging Vietnamese generation and involving them in public life and business development in the area.

The development of higher standard service providers from the Vietnamese community and the active involvement of this group in the development of the city will increase the attractiveness of services in the city and reduce the potential for crime.

To achieve a correction in the behaviour of inadaptable and long-term unemployed citizens

Transfer payments of subsistence allowances and housing supplements to the town of Aš, link social benefits to the fulfilment of established obligations.

Preventing uncontrolled migration of inadaptable persons and externally controlled migration of the socially vulnerable to Ašsko, preventing poverty trade.

Increasing security in the city, reducing the risk of crime, order in the city and improving the image of the city.

Develop and implement the "Aš - Our Home" programme

The history of Ašsko and the context of its development up to the present, the sociological research carried out and the implementation of recommendations based on this research.

Strengthening the cultural and historical heritage of the area and building the relationship of the inhabitants to Ašsko.

Provide incentives for SMEs and NGOs to develop the silver economy

Strengthening of social, health, sports services for the elderly in Aš and in Germany within driving distance to Aš.

Development of senior business and volunteer activities.

Improving the quality of life for the city's aging population.

Expand crime and drug prevention programme Reducing the risk of crime, preventing the production and distribution of drugs, increasing the sense of security of citizens, especially in Aš.

Sandbox - Healthcare

A general trend in recent times has been to link health and social affairs, the so-called social-health interface. Linking health care and social work allows for individual, tailor-made solutions that make both types of services more efficient and better for the satisfaction of citizens. On this page, we address both areas separately to make it clear what needs to be done in which area. At the same time, however, we envisage linking them. The development of health care in the Aš region will be ensured in terms of infrastructure by the available technological means, currently already helped by digitalization, interconnected information systems, which will automatically lead to the interconnection of both areas of care. These are things almost invisible to the customers of health care, the patients, but necessary for the improvement of conditions in health care and social work. In the proposals in the health sector, we are basing our proposals on an analysis that shows the shortage of doctors and medical staff and the availability of medical care within a short commuting distance.

The aim in the area of health care is to increase the prospects of the inhabitants of Ašsko for living to a ripe old age in good health and to ensure the availability and quality of medical care. This means rebuilding the Aš hospital with a polyclinic the size of the hospital in Slane, with a catchment area of several tens of thousands of inhabitants, to ensure a sufficient number of general practitioners, paediatricians, dentists and gynaecologists. To ensure adequate working and living conditions for all hospital staff and their families. Part of this effort is also to raise awareness of Asha as a good place for medical practice.


Strengthen the implementation of the concept of health care development in Aš with the health services centre in Aš Concentration of medical services for the most common causes of health disability will lead to an improvement in the health status of the population and the interest of people from the catchment area to receive medical care services in Aš. The municipal hospital should have in particular an internal medicine department with a focus on cardiology, orthopaedics, gynaecology and preventive cancer screening. By bringing in doctors with different specialties that are suitable for the border town, it is possible to split services between the hospital in Cheb and Aš.
Build comprehensive sports facilities for year-round, summer and winter sports as an infrastructure for disease prevention and a prerequisite for a healthy older age

Active leisure for people of all ages, from young school children to the elderly, has a positive impact on health promotion and disease prevention. The social impact and interest in the city from the whole catchment area, i.e. also from the German regions, is not negligible.

Strengthening the potential of Ašsko as a sports and outdoor destination.

Build a day surgery and aftercare centre, build a climate spa

Non-state medical facilities are flexible in responding to demand and allow for minor medical procedures at reasonable prices in a short time.

The aftercare centre will operate for patients who have undergone specialised procedures in large medical facilities.

The climate spa will take advantage of the geographical location of Aš, a place with exceptionally clean air and beautiful nature in the surroundings.

Sandbox - City environment

Generation Z, the internet generation - and that is what the Aš region is all about today - is "attached to their mobile phones" according to a number of sociological surveys. Digital communication is a necessity of life for them, digital tools are natural tools for their work. At the same time, this is a generation with a different relationship to work than previous generations had and have. They consider work-life balance as natural, they put emphasis on quality of life and not only on economic parameters. This gives Aš a great opportunity. It can be a beautiful place in nature for all "world citizens". If those who were born here are to stay in Aš and other young qualified people are to move in, it is more likely to be the self-employed (self-employed), and in fields that allow this. So crafts, people from creative and IT fields. They can co-create the city and will make decisions based on the quality of services and the sophistication of Ašsko. It is all the more important to shape Aš in an urbanistically attractive way, with access to all the infrastructure as a "pearl among the mountains". Part of this "transformation" of the city is, of course, the orientation towards carbon neutrality and the involvement of the city in activities such as "5G for 5 cities" under the auspices of the MMR and the MIT.


Cultured and architecturally valuable city

Based on an urban planning and architectural study, a revised master plan with clear conditions for permitting construction and reconstruction - with the goal of carbon neutrality by 2040.

Rebuilding a dignified and architecturally valuable square in the city.

Completed blue-green infrastructure and heat supply Creating a pleasant and sophisticated environment in the city, contributing to carbon neutrality, improving the image of the city.
Disposal of brownfields
transformation into functional units
Utilization of unoccupied properties for service development and other uses based on conditions established by the City.
Urban renewal through flexibility in property taxes

Properties that fail to meet the standards set forth in the City's development plan within the specified time period will be subject to multiple property taxes.

Repaired, insulated and otherwise appropriately improved properties will have zero property tax for a specified period of time.

Built infrastructure for active mobility
including a multimodal hub

Attractive urban environment allowing good transport connections and at the same time transport safety. The possibility of using non-motorised transport contributes to changing the way of life of the inhabitants and creating a climate-neutral city.
Bypass of Aš and strengthening of road and rail infrastructure on the route Cheb - Selb - Hof Reducing the city's emissions load, speeding up transport in the border area and connecting the larger cities on both sides of the border. Aš is located on an internationally important road.
Good availability of high-speed internet throughout the territory of ORP Aš Ensuring quality infrastructure for a new type of business, not only in the new economic zone. Conditions for the development of Industry 4.0.
Significant strengthening of the city's image as an extremely attractive destination for permanent settlement and repeat visits An extremely important part of the programme is the long-term and systematic work of the local government, its established organisations and all partners involved in the life of the city, which will lead to a change in the perception of the city as a centre of new business, a cultivated centre connecting regions across the Czech-German border.